Thursday, 14 April 2011

Video Advertisement, how not to do it.

How about 'dem logistics?

I will never, ever be using UPS. Would you like to know why?

Well, as they say.. That's Logistics.

The first time I heard the "Logistics" commercial was back in January before a Nostalgia Critic video, at first it didn't bother me. The jingle was catchy, the video was well put together and it didn't out-stay it's welcome. Then I heard it a second time before the BFF report, then again before Legendary, and a again before This week in MMO, and again before The Republic.. And then at least once a day, every day since then. The same obnoxiously loud jingle.. Over and over again. Every day.

Now let's get one thing straight, I have no problem with video advertisement. Sure, it's a bit annoying but I can deal with it most of the time. The problem that I have, is with's way of dealing with video advertisement. It seems to me that they will show you the same advert before every video for months on end. To the point where you're completely exhausted by it.

Video advertisements have always perplexed me, they're always so irrelevant. If I'm watching a video about World of Warcraft, what exactly makes you think that I'd be interested in Britney Spears' new album? I don't think that there's anyone on this planet who is still interested in Britney Spears, least of all World of Warcraft players! They could easily advertise something geeky there, it would have far more of an impact than Britney Spears. 

Most videos have tags tied to them, why not use those tags to display an advertisement that is relevant to the video? I believe Youtube already does this with the little advertisement toasts that pop up, so why not do it with the pre-video advertisements too? Even without a system like that, it wouldn't be hard to at least ALTERNATE the advertisements you're playing so people don't get sick of them so quickly.

Oh, and stop disabling the mute button when an advertisement is playing, you dicks.

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